At EDQ we have a bio-psycho-social understanding of eating disorders where we see eating disorders as a complex interaction of many factors, including genetic factors, psychological factors and personality traits, and external or environmental factors.

Eating disorders are complex issues that have significant impacts on a person’s emotional and physical health as well as impacting on those who care for and support the person. We know that for many people, the eating disorder develop as an unconscious way of coping with other issues in their life. 

We also acknowledge that eating disorders occur within the larger context of our social preoccupation with dieting and weight loss and socially approved body images and sizes, and that these social preoccupations then go on to impact the treatment that some people receive.  

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It is important to remember that nobody is to blame for eating disorders.

Eating disorders are not a choice. Gender, social and cultural influences impact everyone. Many individuals, carers, family and loved ones have had a preoccupation with food and weight to varying degrees in their lifetime. Not all eating disorders are categorised by weight loss, nor are all eating disorders related to body image. In fact, for many people, eating disorders are not about food or their body image, but develop as a way of coping with other influences in their life.

Additionally, although eating disorders are often portrayed in the media as an issue that only impacts young, white women, this could not be further from the truth. Eating disorders can impact people from all walks of life – all genders, ages, sexualities, and cultural backgrounds.

At one end of the continuum we have healthy eating and acceptance of body shape and size. At the other end of the continuum is disordered eating, such as anorexia, bulimia and binge/compulsive eating. In between sits fear of fatness, denial of appetite, emotional eating, exaggeration of body size, depression and rigid dieting. People will often move across the spectrum over time, sometimes moving in both directions. Some individuals will also move between different types of eating disorder presentations over time.

Recovery from eating disorders is possible for anyone at any stage. Seeking support as early as possible is highly recommended.

Individuals, carers, family and loved ones can access services at Eating Disorders Queensland. You do not need a GPs referral or a formal diagnosis.

Eating Disorders Queensland sees individuals, carers, family and loved ones who identify with food restriction, binge-eating, purging, excessive exercise, or other unspecified eating disorders. We work across the spectrum to support individuals, carers, family and loved ones to develop a healthy relationship with food and their bodies.

Donate today

All donations over $2 to Eating Disorders Queensland are tax deductible and give real people access to counselling, practical assistance to support recovery, groups, equipment for the centre and books for our library. You can make a one-off or regular monthly donation. We would love to acknowledge your generosity and support. Please let us know if you would like to be listed as one of our supporters on either our website or in our annual report.

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Volunteers support our valuable work and goals. We offer a range of volunteering opportunities across a broad range of interest areas, such as event planning, administration tasks, cooking, and gardening. Join our volunteer team or keep an eye out for specific volunteer opportunities via our social media.

Eating Disorders Queensland

We support a vibrant community of individuals recovering from an eating disorder, including people with lived experiences, carers and family members.

51 Edmondstone Street,
Yuggera Country,
South Brisbane, QLD 4101

CALL: (07) 3844 6055

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