10 Week Therapeutic Group

EDQ 51 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia

The EDQ 10-week Groups support individuals with eating disorders. The sense of community created in these groups and the story sharing by participants offers support and those suffering can often find the groups help to counter the sense of shame, guilt and isolation they feel. RSVP is required.

Lunchbox Sessions

EDQ 51 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia

A non-therapeutic meal support program that focuses on practising social eating skills.  Participants attend in four-week blocks.

Community Table

EDQ 51 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Week 1

EDFA Educational Webinar – Dr. James Greenblatt

Eating Disorders Families Australia: Global Webinar for Carers & Clinicians Saturday 9th July 10am-12noon AEST- Answers to Anorexia – Malnourished Minds. Dr James Greenblatt, US Child & Adult Psychiatrist, author, […]

10 Week Therapeutic Group

EDQ 51 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia

The EDQ 10-week Groups support individuals with eating disorders. The sense of community created in these groups and the story sharing by participants offers support and those suffering can often find the groups help to counter the sense of shame, guilt and isolation they feel. RSVP is required.

Lunchbox Sessions

EDQ 51 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia

A non-therapeutic meal support program that focuses on practising social eating skills.  Participants attend in four-week blocks.

Community Table

EDQ 51 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Peer Support Group

EDQ 51 Edmondstone Street, South Brisbane, QLD, Australia

The EDQ 10-week Groups support individuals with eating disorders. The sense of community created in these groups and the story sharing by participants offers support and those suffering can often find the groups help to counter the sense of shame, guilt and isolation they feel. RSVP is required.