Eating Disorders QLD Recipient of the Mental Health Program Community-Based Eating Disorder Supports Grant

Eating Disorders Qld is very excited and grateful to announce that we have successfully applied for the grant and have been awarded $2 million over 4 years.

The Hon. Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care, in conjunction with the Hon. Emma McBride MP, Minister for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention, has announced $70 million in grants for innovative programs to research and treat mental ill-health and eating disorders, improve services, educate health professionals and support patients, their families, and carers. $20 million of this funding has been dedicated to programs that address gaps identified by people with lived experiences of eating disorders and other experts in the field.

Read their media release in full here.


Eating Disorders Queensland (EDQ) will receive $2 million across four years to implement a brief structured eating disorder treatment program, available in-person at several locations in Queensland or online across the state.  The program, bITE (Brief Intervention/Therapy for Eating Disorders), is an innovative structured combination of evidence-based interventions and support elements delivered in a community setting to provide clients with:

  • An introduction to eating disorder treatment, setting a foundation for longer-term treatment.
  • Support for clients while they are on a long waitlist to access longer-term treatment.
  • Faster intervention for individuals with an early onset eating disorder, preventing the development of a severe and enduring illness.
  • An introduction to community meal support.

Read our full media statement here.